What changes is Sioux Center Dental making to ensure staff and patient safety during the COVID-19 outbreak? Check out today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk to find out what things will be different, and what will stay the same with your experience here at Sioux Center Dental!
Read moreTooth Anatomy
Have you ever wondered about how teeth are made, what the different layers of teeth do, and how they all tie together? Check out today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk as Dr. Kuiper explains the 3 parts of tooth structure and how they play a part in making your teeth function so well!
Read moreDental Careers
Have you ever wondered about the different careers in the dental office and what role each individual plays on the dental team? Tune in to today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk as Dr. Kuiper explains the different careers in the dental office and how each of them work together to help you have the best experience possible at Sioux Center Dental!
Read moreFluorosis
Do you have white or brown spots on your teeth? Have you ever wondered what those are and where they came from? Listen in to today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk as Dr. Kuiper explains what could be going on and how to fix them!
Read moreXerostomia
Have you noticed your mouth is more dry? Are you having trouble speaking or eating because you don’t have enough saliva? Tune in to today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk as Dr. Kuiper explains what dry mouth is, what problems it can cause, and how to help manage it!
Read moreBroken Teeth Options
Oh no! You broke a tooth?? Now what?? Today Dr. Kuiper explains what options you have when a tooth breaks, and what you are risking by not having it evaluated ASAP!
Read moreDentistry & Cancer
If you or someone you know is starting cancer treatments you need to watch today's Tuesday Tooth Talk.
Today we are going to discuss the connection between your oral health and cancer. How do cancer treatments affect your oral health? What is oral cancer?
Read moreDentistry & Heart Disease
What on earth do your teeth have to do with your heart health?! Tune in to today's Tuesday Tooth Talk to find out more from Dr. Kuiper about how "...bacteria actually get into your bloodstream, and can get down into your heart."
Read moreDentistry & Eating Disorders
"Stomach acid has an incredibly high, high potency" and can have a "very detrimental impact to your oral health". -Dr. Kuiper
Read moreDentistry & Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and nervous about dental treatment? Check out today's video and find out why Dr. Kuiper says "the second trimester is actually when we really encourage dental work to be done."
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