Facial Injections
Facial injections, such as botulinum toxin and dermal fillers, can be used to treat a number of esthetic concerns caused by aging or environmental factors. Many people are unaware, however, that facial injections can also be effective for the treatment of many dental or medical conditions. In fact, facial injections can be used to improve all of the following:
Fine lines and wrinkles
Thin lips
Hyper-mobile upper lip (gummy smile)
Facial asymmetry
Bruxism (clenching or grinding of teeth)
Jaw or muscle soreness
Myofacial pain
To find out if you are a candidate for facial injections, contact our office to schedule a consultation today!
Check out these before and after photos of facial injections completed by Dr. Kuiper:

Consulte la edición especial de hoy en español Tuesday Tooth Talk sobre nuestros servicios cosméticos adicionales. Gaby y Gisella explican cómo Sioux Center Dental puede ayudarlo a amar su sonrisa ... ¡y la cara que la enmarca!
Today Dr. Kuiper will tell you the truth about lip injections. See how you can get the full lips and beautiful smile you have always wanted!
Starting to notice fine lines or wrinkles? Check out today's Tuesday Tooth Talk to learn how Botox can help restore and maintain your youthful look!
The introduction of Botox and Juvederm to Sioux Center Dental is literally changing the face of dentistry! We are super excited to announce that Dr. Kuiper is rolling out the wrinkles in this exciting new service! We have been receiving many questions from current patients and community members about what Botox and Juvederm are and how they work. Are there any side effects and how long does it last? In today’s Tuesday Tooth Talk, Dr. Kuiper answers all of your most burning questions and offers solutions to have fuller lips, a younger looking appearance, and great skin.