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Early Signs of Tooth Trouble

Today Dr. Kuiper explains how to watch for early signs of tooth trouble. Know exactly when to call the dentist and find out if there is anything you can do at home to prevent tooth decay from growing or a tooth from breaking!

How do you know when it’s time to call us? There are a few signs to look for in regards to early signs of tooth trouble. Some of those symptoms include: sensitivity to sweets, sensitivity to cold, or sensitivity when biting. These are all good indicators that something isn’t quite right with the applicable teeth. If you call us as soon as you notice these signs, we will do our best to get you seen within 24 hours. Taking immediate action gives you the best chance that it could be a simple fix such as a filling or adjusting the tooth. That being said, however, when sensitivity on the tooth or a chip in the tooth is not taken care of, decay can progress very quickly. A small problem may become a massive problem and can get  increasingly expensive in a short amount of time, sometimes in as quick as a month. Once the damage is done to the tooth or teeth, it becomes more of a challenge to repair as time passes. When it comes to tooth pain, many patients have tried Orajel, which is okay for the tissues around the tooth, but it won’t actually numb the tooth because the substance can’t reach the nerve from where it is applied. As tempting as it is to try to reduce pain with ibuprofen, Orajel, home remedies, etc. these items will only delay the inevitable. They can actually mask the symptoms that something isn’t quite right and end up costing you way more money than if you had just made a simple phone call at the onset of the dental pain.

Please give us a call as soon as possible if you’re having issues with your teeth or need a professional opinion! We would love to help you out before your symptoms become unmanageable.

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