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Periodontal Disease

What is periodontal disease? How do you get it? What are some preventive measures or ways to maintain it once it has already been diagnosed?

Periodontal disease is gum disease and is an extreme version of gingivitis. The cause of this is usually poor oral hygiene and some common symptoms frequently include red, swollen, and tender gums. Basically, what happens over time is that plaque and buildup sits on the teeth and becomes almost as hard as a rock. That slowly moves it’s way down the tooth. As it progresses downwards, the bacteria erases the bone and gum tissue that supports the teeth. Over time, the teeth may start to feel a little loose. They may start to look longer because of the gum recession. They may develop a more yellow color and that is because the buildup on teeth growing and expanding and creating more issues that you may or may not be able to recognize or see the results immediately. Once this happens, reattachment of the gums to the teeth is no longer a possibility. However, the earlier that you are able to get your dentist involved, the earlier we can provide the treatment you deserve and need. Once treated, you may have a higher chance of keeping your teeth healthy for a lifetime.

There are approximately 3 million cases of periodontal disease each year but it is very much preventable! It is very important to brush twice a day and include dental floss in your daily dental hygiene routine. The American Dental Association also recommends seeing a dentist twice a year for regular cleanings. Once periodontal disease has developed, treatment usually includes cleaning the pockets around each tooth to prevent bone damage.

Our goal is to help you keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible! If you’d like to learn more about this topic, click here to visit our Periodontal Therapy page! We would love to take a look and answer any questions or address any concerns you may have about periodontal disease. Click here to contact us today!

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