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Siouxland dentistry offering free oral cancer screenings

SIOUX CENTER, Iowa (KCAU) – The month of April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. One Siouxland dentistry is offering free screenings April 15th-18th.

Trevor Kuiper owner of Sioux Center Dental tells us the free service is one way they can give back to the community this month. They are founded on Faith, Family, and Service.

 “We’re looking for during the screening are there any areas that are discolored, white, really dark red, are there areas that are raised or areas that have ulcers on them or sores,” said Dentist Trevor Kuiper.

According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 10,000 people die each year of oral cancer. The screenings offered by Sioux Center Dental Clinic is a none invasive procedure and is expected to take ten minutes or less. 

“It can greatly reduce your risk of dying from oral cancer. The reason it takes so many lives is because no one finds it until later in the stage and at that point, it’s disappointing that, that’s where you’re at, ” said Mallorie Yeske Dental Assistant. 

Those who have dental insurance and those of who do not have insurance are welcomed to come to get a free screening done. Also, there is no appointment needed to have your mouth examined. For more information, you can click here