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Pain Management

Dental visits make many people anxious, but they don't have to be painful. Today Dr. Kuiper explains how he can help keep your visits pain free. 

At Sioux Center Dental, we do our best to manage your pain in a way that makes you feel comfortable, safe, and calm. There are always things in dentistry that may make you a bit uneasy. However, one of our main goals is to make you feel comfortable so we will do everything that we possibly can in order to relieve your anxiety and eliminate or reduce pain. 

We offer pre-numbing or topical anesthetics prior to even doing any injections! We also use distraction techniques so that you may not even feel the actual injection.  We will always do our best to manage your pain even after the procedure (should you have any) with medications or home remedies. 

If you have any pain, always feel free to contact Dr. Kuiper directly. The phones at Sioux Center Dental are always transferred directly to Dr. Kuiper’s personal cell phone after hours and on weekends. Even if Dr. Kuiper is at home or outside of the office, you are never left alone. Don’t hesitate to give us a call with any questions or concerns!

If you’d like to learn more about this topic, click here to visit our Pain Free Dentistry page! If you still have questions or concerns about what we offer for pain free dentistry, please contact us today and we would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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